Blog Journal 5

Working with Diigo!

     Diigo is an interactive bookmarking tool that allows people to share interesting websites and blogs along with creating annotations or “sticky-notes” to the content. Diigo was a foreign site to me as I had never used it prior to my EME2040 class. My initial experience using Diigo was to interact and communicate with my peers through education websites we sought out and comment on each other’s. I found Diigo a bit confusing at first as I had to install an extension and I did not know how to do so, however, after obtaining help from my Professor and peers it became easy as I was able to understand how to navigate the site. Once I was able to understand Diigo, it became easy for me and I really do enjoy this site as “Bookmarking” and “sharing” with my group promotes communication digitally and enhances an academic conversation.
       My experience with Diigo is not long at all as I was only introduced to Diigo for two weeks. Thus far I do find this site useful as I have used it in an academic setting. My experiences range from finding articles that correlate to my preferred field of education, special education. I was able to find interesting articles and “bookmark” them and then share it to my group of peers. Along with this, I was able to give feedback on other people’s article and educate myself more on other topics. The people in my group were then able to provide comments on my posts and tell me their own perspective on my article which I found very beneficial as it allows me to see different perspectives of the same site. I like how someone can interact when blogging from people anywhere around the world, the communication and learning experiences that are spoken of when blogging is what I like the most. So far, I was able to learn how to communicate with my peers and expand my knowledge on other educational topics.
       Web 2.0 is a web category that focuses on user generated content, thus allowing users to comment and interact with the website. Web 2.0 can be seen in a multitude of websites, one that I really like thus far is “”. This website focuses on educational outlets that allow educators from everywhere to post ideas for lessons and activities and share them with other teachers. Along with posting comments on the website, it is user generated as it focuses on what the users want and then post ideas and lesson plans centered around what the user asked for or lean towards more.  The website also provides other links to other educational tools and where to get books that aid in other areas. As a future educator I think it is very important for me to interact with other educators who have years of knowledge and experience and gain helpful tips for my classroom. Below is the link to Classroom 20 (click the link twice to open the website). 


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