ILP “Participation” – Twitter Chat

      For my independent learning project I decided to participate in a Twitter Chat. I do use twitter for sharing & re-tweeting funny pictures & videos, however, I am aware that Twitter can be educational. For my topic when looking & participating in certain chats, I used the hashtag "#Speded" as its focused around special education classroom tips & stories. I do want to become a special education teacher & work with students who have special needs. While being an active participant in these chats I found helpful classroom tips! Tips such as having role-play activities with my students that help create friendships such as "How to nice to someone" skits that help students recognize how to be friendly to everyone, regardless of their special needs. 
     Special education is a field within education that focuses on helping students that having certain needs. Some of these needs are down syndrome, autism, dyslexia, etc. However, other special needs students are those who fall under the other spectrum such as gifted students. These chats were helpful as I do intend to learn as much as I can in order to be the best teacher I can be.


  1. Really cool ILP topic I might use that twitter chat next time.


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