Blog Journal 3

        From what I have learned and practice thus far in my academic career, I feel the most prepared to teach ELA technology standards to 5th graders. ELA technology standards regarding 5th grade focuses more on creativity such as poster design and children friendly magazines regarding educational topics. I do believe that I have more of a creative touch, thus teaching ELA technology standards to 5th grade would become an outlet for my creativeness and in return I could educate my students on how to be creative and find fun and safe online tools to learn. I do feel as if I need more practice concerning 11-12th grade ELA technology standards, on my part. I have not been as educated on the newest kind of technology meaning that I need more practice in order to better teach 11-12th grade especially that their standards cover websites and graphic organizers that I have not used ever but there is always room for practice.
       CPALMS have an abundant number of helpful tools for educators and even other professions. One tool that stood out to me was Lesson Study Support System. This CPALMS tool focuses on helping guide teams through lesson reviews along with promoting collaboration. In my classroom, I want to have collaboration projects where students can learn from each other and interact with their peers. I want to promote collaboration amongst my students because I feel as if students learn from each other and can help another. This tool can help guide groups into bettering their success while cooperating on an assignment together.
     Creating a Newsletter design for my EME2040 course taught me the creative side of using Microsoft Word. The assignment was fun as I got to design a document for my “class” which was very nice. New skills that I acquired from working on the Newsletter Design assignment was how to create a two-column split between my paper and how to create a dotted line indicating where to cut for the parent permission slip. The new skills I acquired are both beneficial, I can most definitely use them in the future as I know I am going to form documents and flyers that will need these skills such as creating Parent Permission Slips and Field Trip Forms. I can improve for next time by practicing more with Microsoft Word and attempting to learn more skills and perhaps read up on what features Word has!


  1. Actually, your newsletter design indicates your interest in designing educational materials! You covered lots of interesting content in your newsletter! Great job!


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